jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2015

The Orange Summer

Hello everyone

This summer, I think that will be one a best summer of my life, because this year I finish my arts studies. At last I goingo to finish something! I am very happy.

This summer I had one trip planned. I wanted to go Austral Road with a very good friend. We had thought to travel in January around the 20th.

We want to know La Pampa Austral. Our idea is to travel by car (the my friend's car). We want go over many littles tonws, to know no popular places, and, the most important, we wish to do one Kayak route through lakes and rivers.

I write this information in past, because now I don't sure that we could travel. My friend is working in your tesis, and I don't have enough money. It is very sad. 

Anyway, I will follow to dream with this trip.

martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015

Warner Brothers

Hi everyone.

This time the post is very fun for me.

Now I whatch very little tv (I get distracted and I find it boring in general). But before, when I was little, I watched to much tv.

When I was a child I enjoyed watching TV with my younger brothers.
We love Cartoon. Before and now we will enjoy the Cartoons.

I know a lot cartoons, but one of most favorites was Animaniac. This TV show was on channel Warner Brothers the Saturday . It started 6am. and finished 2pm.

We were very little. I think that we had 6 years old, I don't sure.

With my brother saw all the show. Eight hours non-stop. Only to go toilet. We didn't  move even to eat, because we got up very early to cook breakfast.

Fenomenoide was the first cartoon, ant Batman was the last. I remember the three brothers Yakko, Wakko y Doc, the Palomos, Mandy and her dog Botones, Skippy Squirrel and my favorites Pinky y Cerebro. I know that was more characters, but I don't remember theirs names.

I remember our happiness and our anxiety. And I also remember the confusion of our parents about our laughter.

I would love to re-transmit these cartoons, they were great

lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2015

My Future Job

Hello everyone

 My dream job would be a work produced by myself and my friends.

I imagine myself organizing and specifying self-managed projects.

The most important thing for me is I can manage my time, and I can decide how to organize my schedule and my activities.

I can't imagine supporting rigid schedules or activities... I don't imagine me having a boss to tell me what I must to do, when and how I should do anything, without  I could to influence on these issues

I would like to do activities that would relate to the artistic area somehow.

I have learned many interesting things in this school, and I think I have enough tools to create some activity to support my independent life.

Sometime, I think to do different workshops could be a good idea.

I would like I to teach about artistic techniques. It like a first specific activity.
Later, I would like to do more activities related with artistic creation, and I could travel around Chile for I to teach  this workshops

The trip is also something that I really like. I would love to create a job where I could travel constantly. I like to see different things and learn about them.

I hope to be able to realize these wishes ... I really want it.

jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015


 Tour that I didn't go

Today I didn't go to class, but I asked about what you did today (real what you did yesterday)

A classmate told me that  you toured the school and everyone spoke a particular thing about your workshop

Although I wasn't present, this post may be interesting, because I'm in the ironsmith's workshop and any classmate is there.

Ironsmith workshop is very interesting, but few people known it. I'm sure that many people, who have been in this university for years, dont even know where this workshop is located.

I arrived to this workshop 4th year career, but before I was in its complementary workshop in 2013.

The first, and most important to me, is that we don't do jewelry. The ironsmith isn't jewelery, both activities are related, but they aren't the same.

In this workshop there are many interesting things, starting with its particular techniques, such as draft, welding, embossing, enameling.

On the other hand, the main material using is the metal, mainly copper.
But, this trend isnt a restriction, because we also could use any other material that we want.

There are many more things to mention, but the time is few.

Good night everyone

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

"Vida de Perros"

The best concert I've ever been to was in 2005. I was to see my favorite band Los Bunkers.

They presented their 4th album launch called "Vida de Perros". This concert was in Teatro Teletón in September.

This event was very special to me for many reasons, but mainly because  I did many things for first time.

It was the first time that I went a big concert. I had never seen my favorite band perform live. I had never gone to a concert with someclassmates (this year I were at High School). And I knew that theater.

I were very excited, and I remember that we arrived very early to the theater, approximately 5 hours before the start of the concert, because we wanted to be first in line.

We wanted to be as close as possible to the stage... and we did it. But this triumph didn't last long time, exactly 4 songs.
There were a lot of people. Everyone was pushing and jumping, and one classmate was very short, and she was choking. So we decided to get out.

It was difficult for us to leave that place because it was full. But we could do it.

Finally we enjoyed the show from far away, but we were very happy. And we sang until we were exhausted


jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015


Hello everyone.

This is the firts post Level 4, and this time I'm going to tell you about a country that I want to visit someday.

I'm  interested to know latin american countries. A trip to Cuba has been a big wish for me.

I imagine myself walking through El Malecon, while I see that wonderful beach and I drink a mojito.

This country is interesting for me to many reasons. I like the architecture, and there has beautiful patrimonial architecture, mainly at Old Habana. I would like to go all over the city by bike.

Also I like environment, and the tropical climate of Cuba produce a lush nature. For example, the spectacular waterfall called El Nicho, at Cienfuegos.

The food is a very important topic to me. I would eat everything strange food that I could see, and I would like to learn to cook Cuba's tipical food. 

And finally, I would want this country for know the people...


miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

It is the final countdown ... almost

Hello everyone.

This is the last post Level 3, and this time I'll tell you about my experience.

I believe that, in spite of the conflict, finally it was a good experience.

For me, it wasn't easy to push this activity. First because I've never liked English, and my disgust makes everything becomes more complicated.
Other reasons are that I am absent-minded, and also because I can not do anything in a hurry.
in spite of various personal complications, I believe that this activity is a good tool.

I think that with practice the learning and knowledge is achieved. And with this constant reading and writing exercise, I feel that I have failed to improve.

I think the most important thing I learned from this experience was to simplify my ideas. And this way, I could think and write more easily.
Generally ,I used complicated words, because they were unusual even in Spanish.

In the future, I'd like to be free to choose the topic of the post. And so, I could relate all posts together.
 I imagine that I could talk about one topic, and each post would be a chapter on this main topic.

Right now, I dont know what specific topic I would propose to continue writing.
Anyway, I think  to talk about our projects and development of our artistic interests   always could be a good choice.

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015

London webquest


In this time, I will write about a class activity: to plan a trip to London.

To travel is very funny, for this reason, this activity was interesting for me. 
I don't know London, neither I know Europe...actually, I only know some South American countries.  

When I travel, I love to know the natural places, the tipical food and the museums. I would like to visit many places, and this activity show me a lot of ideas.

My favorites atracctions were Historic Royal Palaces, contemporary art museums (Tate Moderm and Tate Britain) and finally, Royan Botanic Garden was my chosen place. 

If I should recommend a place to visit in London, it will be Royan Botanic Garden. But, also I would recommend to visit Historic Royal Palaces, specifically Tower of London.

I would like to visit this places someday. 


jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

My dream vacation

The best vacation for me would be to travel through South America.
I don`t know what specific place, but I wish that route could be through Pacific coast. And I would want travel by car.

The other importat topic in my dream vacation would be my trip partner.
I would like to travel with my best friends. They are very fun people, and they are adventurous too.For this reason, I think that they could be perfect partner.

I would love that my dream travel could be at the end of my university career

My process at the university has been long and hard., but it has been very beautiful too. 

The end of this process is very importat for me, and for this, I would wish to do some symbolic, great and intense thing. And I think that my dream trip could be the best thing that I would do.   


jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Eduardo Chillida

Chillida was a spanish artist. He was born in 1924, and he died in 2002. 
He began studying architecture, but he leaved this discipline to work exclusively in sculpture and drawing.
Chillida based his artistic work on his own experiences of rural society. 
The contact with nature and how to live in this context determined his motivations. Natural elements such as wind, the sea, the horizon or water, the concepts of full and empty and the relationship of different types of materials with the environment were his more important topics of work
He worked with different materials. At first, he used the iron, but later he introduced other materials such as wood, concrete, steel, stone and alabaster. 
He is known primarily for his work as a sculptor, but his graphic work, drawings and collages are very important too.

I am interested in this artist because his work was important in my process of choosing my specialty. I was two years in the specialty of sculpture.
Above all I like his work with iron. For exemple this work entitled "Peines del Aire". These iron structures are located in your hometown.

I hope you liked this artist.

martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

To eat is happiness

To eat is one of my favorite thing in my life. I really tell it.
I enjoy do it, and also I enjoy doing everything connect with this action.
To buy food, to cook, to learn recipe, to taste new food.  All it es very attractive and fun for me.
For this reason, one of my favorite web site is www.rebanando.com.
This web site is a big and very complete source of information. Here different user post theirs recipe and knowledge about cooking. This web site exist in many different countries, for example: Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, France, U.S. ,  Spain.
 I knew it through facebook. A long time ago, a good friend sent me a message where she recommended me a recipe of fruit and vegetable juices. I thought that it was very weird, however, I saw it.
Since then, I visited this web site at least five time a week.
What I like most are the photos of the food. They are very good pictures, and they look delicious.


sábado, 24 de octubre de 2015

Valparaiso in love

Hi everyone! Today I wish to share with you this beautiful picture.

The last year three friends and me traveled to Valparaiso. We went on this trip in October, shortly after a big fire in this city.

We started our tour in the Carlos Van Buren Hospital. We walked all one day across the hills. (I didn't know where it was).

I had brought my camera, but I took very few photographs. Fortunately my friends could do it. And this is a photograph of one of them. 

A very good friend, Fernanda, took this photo with her analog camera Zenit. 

This photo shows the debris of the house destroyed in that huge fire. Here you can see the foundations and part of the metal structure of the house, and in the background are the hills of the Great Valparaiso.

I really really like this picture, because it is a very strong image. In addition to its beautiful graphic composition, its poetic and interpretive sense it is very big.

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015


This time I will tell you about the enamelling. I am interested in this artistic technique, because I am learning it now in my central art workshop: goldsmithing

The enamelling is a surface tratment technique through the application of glass powder tonobtain a glaze coverage.

The enamel is an impalpable glass (powder) composed of vitrifiable materials.
There are different kinds of enamels, depending on the material to which you want to apply, but all of it is fixed by heat.

Various ways for glazing are known. It is characterized by different procedure in the operation has been followed. But all methods use heat to melt the glass powder.

The powder melts and expands. Later it cools and hardens, and thus this powder produces a smooth coverage and very durable glaze on ceramic, glass or metal.

The next week I will talk you about the enamelling on metal, specifically enamelling on copper.


jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

I love it all!

The markers are wonderful! This writing instrument was invented in the 60s by a Japanese.
The novelty of this instrument is its porous tip. The ink go through the tip of felt, and for this way
the markers allow to draw many different types of lines.

I have many markers, especially colored markers. I like it, because I can draw broad, thin, continuous, broken, dark and clear lines. And also I like it  because there are a lot variety of colors.
In my case I have many markers. I use it every day principally for writing, but I draw and paint too.

I routinely use markers. I have so much fun watching so many colors, and, for this reason, I think my life would be very boring only if I will write and I will see the traditional colors of pencils, black and blue.

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

My expectations... for this moment

The university is my principal topic, and all my activities has relatioship whit it. But, really, the most important theme, the essential topic is the art. I changed academic career, for this reason, and since this moment I decided that all my activities were related with the art. 
The learning and the education about the art by means of share experiences and knowledge has been my principal motivation.  
I have taken different technical courses in iron smith, jewerly, photography and drawing, and, for the other side, I have participated in communal activities, for exemple, class for children in poor areas. And I will take part in cultural conference in San Ramòn in the next month. This is with the objetive of painting a mural.       

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015

little autobiography

Hello, my name is Marcela Rodríguez. I was born in 1988 at Santiago, and I am arts student at university of chile.
I live whit my family. My parents, Héctor and Cecilia, and my two brothers. Héctor is my older brother and Diego is my yunger brother. I have lived whit them all my life, and this has been very important to me.
My principal activity has been study. Kinder garden, elementary school and high school at religious institution, and after the univercity twice. I studied architecture during three semesters at FAU and, finally, I began study visual arts in 2010.
I liked play and to build objects and places all the time. I drew on the walls and on the floor, and I loved the plasticine. ( I still love it)
I never thought that these things was so importat. It was just hobbies, but, after I have lived a very bad and distressing period, I understood my more honest and intense motivations: to create and to play.