martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015

Warner Brothers

Hi everyone.

This time the post is very fun for me.

Now I whatch very little tv (I get distracted and I find it boring in general). But before, when I was little, I watched to much tv.

When I was a child I enjoyed watching TV with my younger brothers.
We love Cartoon. Before and now we will enjoy the Cartoons.

I know a lot cartoons, but one of most favorites was Animaniac. This TV show was on channel Warner Brothers the Saturday . It started 6am. and finished 2pm.

We were very little. I think that we had 6 years old, I don't sure.

With my brother saw all the show. Eight hours non-stop. Only to go toilet. We didn't  move even to eat, because we got up very early to cook breakfast.

Fenomenoide was the first cartoon, ant Batman was the last. I remember the three brothers Yakko, Wakko y Doc, the Palomos, Mandy and her dog Botones, Skippy Squirrel and my favorites Pinky y Cerebro. I know that was more characters, but I don't remember theirs names.

I remember our happiness and our anxiety. And I also remember the confusion of our parents about our laughter.

I would love to re-transmit these cartoons, they were great

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Marce! In my haus channel 9 is not looked... this was really sad.
